The College Language Association, as indicated in its mission statement, is dedicated to improving the study and teaching of language and literature and therefore is determined to serve as a resource hub for teachers and scholars. Pulling for the expertise of our members and the wealth of knowledge that they have accumulated throughout their careers, the resources provided below serve as tools for advancing the study, teaching, and appreciation of literatures, languages, and cultures as necessary aspects of higher education and citizenship in an increasingly complex world.


The links provided below lead to resources amassed from our past journals (2000-2010) and members' publications. We also encourage members to keep an updated list of their individual publications on their CLA member profiles.

CLAJ Ten-Year Bibliography

Members' Bibliography

Teaching Resources

The links provided below lead to teaching resources gathered from CLA members to facilitate the goals of the Association through the study of literatures, languages, cultural studies, and more. If you are interested in adding to these resources, please reach out to the chairs of the Curriculum: English, Curriculum: World Languages, Research, and Black Studies standing committees.

Langston Hughes Society Video Panel on "Discussion of the Netflix Adaptation of Nella Larsen's Passing"

CLA Teaching Resources